Through hands on project management at an early stage, we drive projects towards successful completion.

Our strong relationships across the industry means we can tailor project teams to deliver success on varying schemes across different industry sectors, wherever they are located, in the UK or Europe.

Our technical knowledge and accurate awareness of construction costs ensures that your building contracts are delivered inline with specification and statutory requirements. We safeguard costs by diligent interrogation, maximising best value throughout the project.

Project management and Contract Administration

Development Management

Our in-depth understanding of the early stages of development and the planning process ensures that the initial vision at the outset of the project is deliverable and feasible at the back end. 

Working closely with Agency and Planning Teams we advise on strategy, buildability and costs, adding value throughout the development cycle.

We work closely with our client’s finance teams to help interrogate appraisals, develop business plans, and assist with funding strategies.

Our forensic analysis of the design  and deliverability of a scheme ensures that planning permissions are obtained with buildability and delivery finance at the core.

We have significant experience working with our clients across large property portfolios, advising on acquisitions and exit strategies.

Building Consultancy and Professional Work

We have significant experience working with our clients across large property portfolios, advising on acquisitions and exit strategies. We add significant savings to this process by combining our expert technical knowledge with commercial market advice.

Project Monitoring

We reduce our client’s risk by forensic technical due diligence.

By providing detailed regular reports on project design, legal documentation, finance and the development teams we ensure that the project is given the best chance of success.

Onsite we limit your financial risk by  monitoring the works and their quality, report on progress and on any deviations from programme.

We flag early issues with the project team to ensure programme and finance slippage is mitigated where possible.